Phase 3c Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme - Change requests

Project scope change requests

This page provides guidance on our requirements to approve a request to change the scope of your Phase 3c Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme project, detailing the situations where a change request may be required, the information required for us to be able to assess and approve a change, and the key dates for submitting any change requests.

We are keen to support you through your decarbonisation journey helping you meet all your milestones.

We only expect to receive scope change requests when there is reasonable confidence in the final design, namely when designs and tenders are complete. For this reason, we expect each grant recipient to submit a maximum of one change request of good quality to minimise queries. Please see below for definitions of a change request.

Definitions of a change request

  • A ‘change’ is defined as any significant alteration in the scope of the project. This includes adding or removing a site to the scope of Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme works, changes to the low carbon heating system or including additional energy efficiency measures which were not previously in the agreed scope.    
  • If there is a change to the scope of existing energy efficiency measures saving direct carbon, a formal change request will only be needed if the gas is not to be displaced by the proposed low carbon heating system.  
  • Minor changes that are required to facilitate delivery and do not affect compliance shall not be defined as change requests and will be managed through our usual monitoring processes. This includes increasing or reducing the scope of energy efficiency measures affecting indirect carbon savings.

Change request deadlines

Key dates for submitting change requests will be confirmed shortly. Please contact your relationship manager at the earliest opportunity if you expect you may need to submit a scope change request, to discuss next steps.

How to submit a change request

Step 1

Notify your relationship manager of your change request

Contact your relationship manager either in writing, by telephone or through notification on the Monthly Monitoring Report submission. Your relationship manager will acknowledge your request and you will receive a change request form to complete and return.

Step 2

Complete and submit relevant documentation to your relationship manager

1. Change request form

<insert change request form template – file 04a>                 

Please fill in Part I of the change request form template available above with all proposed adjustments to your project outlined clearly. Part I of the form has four sections that you need to complete:

  • Description of the proposed change
  • Updated application form and supporting information (see further detail below)
  • Revised payment schedule
  • Appendix
  • Declarations*

*Please note: The declaration section of our change request form will need to be agreed and signed off by the registered accountable officer for your Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme project (named in the Grant Offer Letter). Without this, a change request will not be considered. If a consultant has updated the application form on your behalf, please ensure you are confident that all changes have been made correctly prior to submitting the change request, as the grant recipient is ultimately accountable for ensuring correct information is provided. Incorrect information may affect the maximum eligible grant value upon completion.                  

Please leave Part II of the change request form blank, as this is for Salix internal use only.

2. Supporting information

The following supporting information is required to assess a scope change: 

  • A revised application form with all steps updated. 

Any changes should be made to the version of the application form most recently approved by Salix. If in any doubt, please ask your relationship manager to send you the correct latest version.

  • Updated energy saving calculations 
  • Updated risk register
  • Updated project programme 

If there is any change to the expected practical completion date of your project as a result of the scope change, please speak to your relationship manager to discuss how this may affect your grant.

  • Cost evidence 
  • Information to satisfy outstanding conditions

If your change request includes a site change, additional information is required, with the expectation that the level of detail will resemble that provided at the initial application stage: 

  • End-of-life boiler evidence
  • Options appraisal 
  • Feasibility study (including peak heat loss calculations) 
  • Energy consumption data 
  • Schematics (existing and proposed)

Further information required to complete the change request assessment may be requested at the discretion of the assessor.

Step 3

Salix review

Your relationship manager will acknowledge that you have completed the form, and you will be contacted by either a member of the energy and carbon technical team or one of our technical advisors if any other supporting information is required for our review process. 

We can only begin reviewing the change request once all the requested documentation is received and will aim to confirm a decision within 20 working days. If insufficient information is provided or there are inadequate responses within a given timeline, we reserve the right to reject the change request.

Step 4

Salix confirms the outcome of your change request

If your change request is approved following our assessment, you will be issued with a Grant Amendment Letter confirming the approved changes, for signature by your authorising official.

Important notes

Change requests must be submitted to us and approved prior to the delivery of any amended elements of the project. Any changes to the project may affect the project's ability to meet the scheme criteria and therefore the level of funding available, so we advise seeking approval before proceeding with changes to the project as funding is not secure until this point. 

Grant recipients should be aware that a reduction in gas savings may see their eligible grant value decrease and we encourage them to update the application form regularly to understand whether the grant value is impacted by changes to the project.

We expect all outstanding conditions associated with the 'project approval' and 'detailed designs complete' milestones to be resolved prior to a change request. All other outstanding conditions, that are considered by us as reasonable by this stage in your project, should also be resolved prior to a change request. Please contact your relationship manager for more information.

Any questions?

Please see the frequently asked questions page of the Phase 3c Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme section of our website – or ask your Salix relationship manager for support!