Phase 3c Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme - Project delivery guidance

Project delivery guidance

Please find below guidance on the common areas of Phase 3c Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme project delivery where we have found projects may encounter risks or issues, along with support on best practice. Detailed guidance documents are also available to download at the bottom of this page.

Distribution Network Operators (DNOs)

We recommend that you engage with your Distribution Network Operator at the earliest opportunity to confirm whether an upgrade is needed to the grid connection at any of your sites to support the new low carbon heating system being installed as part of your project. Even if you don’t require supply upgrades, it’s essential to inform your Distribution Network Operator of the measures you’re installing as part of your project to ensure the increased electricity demand for your site can be managed. 

Please see the Distribution Network Operator page in the insights section of our website for detailed guidance on working with your DNO.

Procuring resources

Crown Commercial Service (CCS) has two compliant routes to market that can support public sector organisations with their decarbonisation targets. This guidance may be useful for those engaging with the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme or other programme work.

The Demand Management and Renewables Framework Agreement (RM6314) has five lots for buyers to access. Suppliers on the framework can support with solar, energy storage, heat pumps, heat network design and carbon net zero consultancy. Buyers are able to procure suppliers through a further competition or a direct award procedure. 

The Demand Management and Renewables Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) (RM6313) has access to an increasing supplier base that covers all the framework Lot areas in addition to other decarbonisation measures such as metering and building management efficiency. A DPS agreement allows suppliers to register at any time, provided they meet CCS's assurance requirements. The DPS agreement allows for further competition procedure only. 

If you are interested in finding out more about these routes to market, please refer to the CCS agreement page and useful links below;

Demand Management and Renewables Dynamic Purchasing System (RM6313)
Demand Management and Renewables Framework Agreement (RM6314)

The team can be contacted via email on [email protected]

Project governance

Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme projects can be complex and require effective governance processes in place to deliver the projects within the scheme criteria and timescales.

Guidance can be downloaded below with some of the key questions we’d recommend you consider from the outset of your project, including:

  • Who within your public sector body will have oversight/responsibility for the project, including reporting to Salix? Please note while we understand contractors may manage your project on a day to day basis, you as the grant recipient are held accountable for meeting all terms and conditions of the grant including the reporting requirements. 
  • Who is responsible for signing off key decisions such as grant payment requests, internal escalation of issues, increases to budget required from recipient contribution? 
  • How you will work with your consultants and contractors – what is the project management structure? 
  • Do you have an appropriate risk monitoring and management process in place?